Kelsey Opel Kelsey Opel

What is Script Coverage?

You may have heard the phrase before, but — what is script coverage?

Maybe you just wrote your first draft. Or you think you finished your script, but you don’t know what else it needs. What’s next? Do you submit it to contests? Seek representation or producers to get it produced?

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Twich Collins Twich Collins

Someone’s Gonna Bring the Pain: How to Deal With Feedback

You know, I really hate the saying, "Rip the band-aid off quick. It'll hurt less." I call BS. It's going to hurt, and we all know it. The whole experience around it sucks. You have the injury that necessitated the band-aid, the period of wincing before the band-aid is yanked off, and of course, the actual pain from said ripping.

Where am I going with all this, and how does it relate to feedback on your script or project? Well, that's kind of how the process of feedback goes. You have the pain of needing to get feedback, then the dreading while waiting to hear what the feedback is, and finally, the pain of hearing said feedback. Now, admittedly this sucks much more than ripping off a band-aid.

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