Writing Services

15-Page Review

Readers know by page ten if they want to continue reading. That’s why it’s important that your script’s beginning is polished. We’ll review your first 15 pages to give insights into how a reader will receive them. Also, if you want to see how well we are at notes, it’s a low-risk investment to try out on your script. If you like the notes and want further coverage, you’ll get $45 off when you order full coverage for the script.

Flat rate of $25

Coverage and Feedback

Everyone who writes needs feedback. It’s the only way to know if you are getting better, and while companies and people offer coverage and feedback, many fail to give specifics on what is wrong and how to fix issues. Our writers aim not just to provide you with a score and generalizations but also to provide specifics on the big problems and advice on how to resolve them.

Prices Start at $100

Development and Consulting

You have an idea—a small one, but one nonetheless. However, you’re not sure how to expand it. Or you have the big picture but don’t know how to execute it. Our writers will work with you one-on-one to develop it into a full film, TV series, or other media project. We’ll help you from concept to finished script.

Prices Start at $500

Pitch Material Writing

Need to get some deliverables together to send to potential producers, investors, or even your grandma? We can help. Whether it’s a rewrite and polish on the material you already have or starting from draft one, we’ll craft pitch material and copy for pitch decks to make your project stand out.

Prices Start at $100


You got the full picture, but not sure if you want to tackle the script. We’ll work with you to find a writer from our network to write your script.

Prices vary

Not sure what service you need for your project? Let us help you find what works best for your project and fits where you’re at in your screenwriting journey.

Get a free consultation with us.